Medical Web App

This is a medical web application. It has a powerful control panel to manage doctors, hospitals, inquiries and costs, ensuring a seamless user experience and effective administrative control. The combination of ReactJs for the frontend and Django framework for the backend. The app is designed to find doctors and hospitals in countries where healthcare is better and cheaper.

This App provides a way to calculate medical expenses, airfares, visa fees, and other expenses.




Target your marketing efforts towards individuals seeking affordable and quality healthcare, such as those facing high healthcare costs in their home countries, those considering medical tourism, and those seeking specialized treatments not readily available locally.

Consider partnering with healthcare organizations, travel agencies, and medical tourism facilitators to expand your reach and gain access to a wider network of potential users.


  • Enhanced Accessibility to Affordable Healthcare

  • Increased Medical Tourism Opportunities

  • Access to Specialized Treatments

  • Streamlined Information for Informed Decisions


  • Frontend and Backend Development

  • Database Management

  • Search Functionality

  • Cost Estimation Module

  • Interactive Control Panel

  • Partnership Integration

  • User-Friendly Interface

  • Security Measures